You’d Never Think To Use Our Raspberry Vinegar Toner Like This


We know and love our Raspberry Vinegar Toner for so many reasons – it’s anti-inflammatory, promotes circulation, and delivers key nutrients while cleansing the skin… the list goes on and on!

Today, however, we’re diving into three additional beauty and lifestyle hacks that you can do with our Product of The Month!


Trick 1: A quick rinse for no-shampoo days

You may have already seen this hack on our Instagram or our Cocokind For Hair blog post. The acidity of this toner actually makes a great hair rinse. Before showering, simply spritz the Raspberry Vinegar Toner all over your scalp generously, and gently massage into your scalp and hair. Step into the shower, and rinse with warm water. Although there’s no need to shampoo your hair, feel free to use some conditioner if you’d like a softer feel.

For those of us with sensitive scalps who also like the sensation of washing our hair, this trick is a must. It’s the number one tool we use to balance our scalp and avoid shampooing too frequently. Not to mention, the nutrients within the toner will help to soften and strengthen your hair, giving you a natural shine! Since the raspberry vinegar is diluted with water, you won’t have to worry about it being too strong for your scalp either. If it’s sensitive enough for your face, it’s sensitive enough for your scalp!


Trick 2: Disinfect makeup brushes in between washes

Our Raspberry Vinegar Toner is antibacterial and antifungal, making it a great option to quickly cleanse your brushes! Spray the toner a few times onto bristles to eliminate some bacteria sitting on the surface of the bristles. Then, using a cotton pad or cloth, gently dab your brush onto the cloth so residue comes off the brush. Your brushes should still be washed with shampoo or soap and water regularly (about once every two weeks), but this makes a quick in-between disinfectant!


Trick 3: Disinfect counter surfaces or your desk at work

As mentioned above, our Raspberry Vinegar is antibacterial. Its acetic acid content makes it a gentle yet effective cleaner around the house, too! Here at the cocokind office, you can find us using our Travel Size Raspberry Vinegar toners to quickly clean our desks. Simply spray the toner onto your desk and wipe your desk with a paper towel or cloth. While it’s no chlorine, it is a natural and quick way to sanitize!


Trick 4: Add a splash of flavor to any salad… really! 

Yes – we’ve caught Priscilla spritzing a sub-par salad with none other than the Raspberry Vinegar Toner! While this may sound weird, this toner is, quite simply, a fermented-juice-made-into-a-vinegar mixed with a little bit of water. That’s right, just two ingredients – water, and fermented raspberry juice! This concoction adds a subtly sweet vinegar to any dish that needs an extra spritz of flavor.


Now that you’ve got the tricks, get the deets on using our Raspberry Vinegar Toner… as an actual toner! Learn all about why we love this product, and why we are OBSESSED with toning. And don’t forget, you’ll get a free sample of our Raspberry Vinegar Toner with every online order in May.